Main Stage
In person and live streamed
Welcome to ArborFest
10:10am - 10:30am
Welcoming school and trust leaders to an exciting day of talks and workshops, exploring the theme “the future of work in schools.”
James Weatherill, CEO of Arbor Education
Sonia Leighton, Chief of Customer Success at Arbor Education
Connectedness - title or not, everyone is a leader
10:40am - 11:20am
An inspiring talk from Diana Osagie on leadership and collaboration.
Diana Osagie, ex-Headteacher and leadership coach
What’s new in Arbor: Product Showcase
11:40am - 12:20pm
See what’s coming up in our Product Roadmap and hear about new features
Bex Campbell, Chief Product Officer at Arbor
Getting Ofsted-ready with Arbor
1:05pm - 1:45pm
Get practical tips to prepare for an Ofsted inspection, and hear insights on the new framework.
Carly Holness, Assistant Principal at Borough Academy
Lewis Dinsdale, Headteacher at English Martyrs Catholic Primary
Tim Mockford, Science Teacher, CIC Designated Teacher, Data lead at ACE schools
Alex Jones, Director of Insights and Research at Ofsted
2:05pm - 2:45pm
ArborFest keynote on the future of education recruitment, workplace culture and workload reduction.
Dame Mary Bousted, Chair of the Teaching Commission
Innovation Stage
In person only
AI essentials: A guide to getting started at your school or trust
10:40am - 11:20am
Exploring the art of the possible with AI in your school or trust, Arbor features and beyond.
Stephen Higgins, Head of AI at Arbor
Will Teece, Headteacher at Brookvale Groby Learning Campus
Helen Storey and Tim Clarke, Cornerstone Primary School
Tom Walch, Head of Data at Harbour Learning Trust
Getting curious with data 101
11:40am - 12:20pm
An exciting panel, featuring a speaker from AWS, our lead sponsor.
Dewan Chowdhury, Head of Data at Coop Academies
A data geek’s guide to improving attendance
1:05pm - 1:45pm
Leaders share how they’ve unearthed hidden reasons for absenteeism in their schools and trusts using data.
Andy Lowe, Director of Information Management and Attendance at Marches Academy Trust
Jenny Bates, Deputy Head at Cleobury Mortimer Primary School
Nick Morley, Headteacher The Harbour School
Damian Brooks, CTO at Arbor
MAT Stage
In person only
When two become one: How to operationalise a merger
10:40am - 11:20am
We take a look at what it’s like to bring together the operations, processes, people and digital strategies of two trusts.
Luke Mulhall, Digital Strategy at Kings Group Academies
Dr. Paula Holbrook, Interim CFOO, consultant, lecturer
Phillippa De’Ath, Chief Revenue Officer at Arbor
What should a MAT of the future look like?
11:40am - 12:20pm
Trust leaders discuss balancing flexible working and wellbeing with driving operational efficiency and growth
Laura McPhee, Director of Education at University School Trust
Summer Turner, Deputy CEO at Broad Horizons Education Trust
How, why and when to join up your MIS and HR at your trust
1:05pm - 1:45pm
Hear from trust leaders on their experience of joining up HR and MIS
Show and Tell Stage
In person only
Everything we learned from our first 12 months using Arbor
10:40am - 11:20am
Primary, secondary, special school and MAT leaders share their learnings from the first 12 months using Arbor.
Yesim Aylward, Office Manager at High Beech Primary School
Jon Turner, Assistant Headteacher at John Hampden Grammar School
Becky Nightingale, Trust Data Manager at St Teresa’s of Calcutta Catholic Academy Trust
SAMpeople showcase
11:40am - 12:20pm
Watch a demo of the UK’s fastest-growing HRIS for education
Come and find out our new system for giving product feedback
Product feedback
1:05pm - 1:45pm
Interactive Sessions
In person only
Arbor Labs, Live!
Test out our new and exciting features in Arbor Labs, brought to life.
Customer Roundtables
Network with peers and share Arbor best practice.
Ask an Arbor Expert
Meet the Arbor Team
Got a burning question about Arbor? Meet with our Customer Education and Customer Support Team
Join us in the Arbor Lounge to have a strategic discussion about the way you’re using Arbor.